Friday, March 07, 2014

Oatmeal Smoothies

What better way to start your morning than with Martha Stewarts very own Oatmeal Smoothie? Personally, I am not much of a breakfast girl and I’ve found smoothies to be the best way to start my morning.

This smoothie consists of many healthy ingredients and let me be the first to tell you ... this drink is delicious!  

It includes: ice, frozen raspberries, low-fat yogurt, one banana, rolled oats, honey and some coconut water.

For more information on the health benefits of each ingredient just click on the one you’re interested in.
When I first heard of putting oatmeal in smoothies, I wasn’t exactly sure why or how.  After doing some research, I came to the realization that rolled oats are perfect in the morning. They provide your body with the strength and energy needed to get through the day. I also should mention that oats are significantly essential for those who need to lower and maintain great cholesterol.
The raspberries and bananas together will also provide you with Vitamin C, Vitamin B-6, Fiber and Magnesium.
If you don’t have enough time in the morning to make yourself a nice breakfast, this smoothie is perfect for you. If you are a student, full-time worker or even just simply not a breakfast eater, I suggest you give this yummy and quick recipe a try.



  1. I don't really like eating breakfast and I love raspberries so this would be the perfect smoothie for me!

  2. I am definitely not an avid breakfast eater either but I think smoothies might be the kickstart I need. I'll have to try some of your recipes. Great blog Kendra!

  3. I love breakfast and eat it everyday, but I am definitely going to have to try these smoothies one day either on their own or to accompany my breakfast. They look so good!

  4. Breakfast is clearly greatest meal of all time, but having a substitute just in case is also a pretty good idea!

    Great recipes, Kendra!


  5. I totally love your blog! I am not much of a breakfast person either, but I know it is important to eat well in the morning. This smoothie sounds so good, I will definitely try it out, thanks for the recipe!

  6. I'm always worried that somehow the oatmeal won't be drinkable, but now that I know you've tried it and love it, I might have to give it a go - besides, if Martha Stewart has a recipe for it, it must be amazing!

  7. I had an oatmeal smoothie for the first time a few weeks ago. I was really surprised at how filling and delicious it was. I will definitely be trying this recipe.

  8. It has never crossed my mind to put oatmeal in a smoothie, so thanks for the tip! I usually eat oatmeal in the morning to help fill me up, and I hate the taste so I am really glad you shared this post! Good stuff Kendra!
