Friday, January 31, 2014

The Californian Smoothie (Avocado-Berry Smoothie)

The first smoothie I want to share is not only healthy and easy to make, but extremely delicious (or what some people would say, berry-licious).

The Californian Smoothie (Avocado-Berry Smoothie), is not really your typical winter drink.  However, as I am not a winter person and have been experiencing a lot of cold weather lately, I’ll take anything that reminds me of summer.

This smoothie is sweet, a little sour, and full of nutrients. It includes; avocado, frozen strawberries and raspberries, pitted dates, almond milk and a tiny amount of honey.

To go further into the nutritional benefits, Vitamin C is especially important in the winter. The strawberries and raspberries are full of this nutrient, which help fight the unwanted illnesses that come along with the cold weather. Avocado is high in multiple nutrients, proven for lowering cholesterol and very good for your heart.  Lastly, almond milk is an excellent milk substitute that is low in calories and contains more vitamins and minerals.

To make it even healthier, I also added some crushed flax seeds and chia seeds. Flax seed has a good source of magnesium and dietary fiber, chia seeds are full of protein and help you stock up on your omega-3.

The good thing about smoothies, well the ones I make at least, once you have the ingredients all you have to do is stick it in a blender.

I got this recipe from a great website called Yummly, get the full recipe here, and ENJOY.


  1. This Avocado-Berry Smoothie is totally my daily perfect drink that i just can not live without it. I am also a fruit and vegetable eater. i love home-made smoothie. I made it frequently when i was in China, i am missing the fantastic flavor a lot. I read all of your posts here, and definitely will make one if we have a blender here. Thanks, Kendra.

  2. Holy hell this sounds and looks fantastic!
    I'm going to have to give it a try soon. Since I've only had a blender for two years I may as well use it eh? :)
    Not sure if you've covered it yet, but could you recommend a smoothie that may have high calcium or vitamin-D?
    Great post Kendra! :D

  3. I love booster juice but haven't been able to conquer the at home make it yourself smoothie yet. This recipe both sounds and looks delicious. I think I am going to be making this in the near future. Thanks Kendra!

  4. I'm not much of a fan of avacado, but this recipe might just make me reconsider. Although, I'm like Jessica, booster juice all the way for me. This might be a recipe I will try in the near future. Thanks for sharing, Kendra!
