Friday, February 07, 2014

Stress Reducing Cool Berry Smoothie

It’s that time of year again, school is getting busier and students are starting to get a case of something most humans are familiar with… stress.

There are multiple ways to relieve stress and believe it or not, eating healthy can be one of them. Numerous foods have a relaxing effect on your body, and the smoothie I made this week include some of those stress-fighting foods.

The Stress Reducing Cool Berry Smoothie includes lettuce (I used kale and spinach), cucumber, blueberries, and coconut water. 

Each ingredient has a factor that aids in relaxing the body. To start off, blueberries are high in vitamin C, which is known for its effect of fighting stress. Cucumbers are excellent for cleansing your skin, and help avoid those surprise breakouts that come when stressed. Coconut water contains several minerals and a variety of B-vitamins. There is research that proves several B-vitamins play a crucial role in lowering anxiety, depression and stress.

Now the one thing I would suggest is if you don’t like the taste of blueberries, I wouldn’t try this. Personally, I love blueberries, so I thoroughly enjoyed this smoothie. However, you can always switch the blueberries with other berries high in Vitamin C.

Once again I added some chia seeds and matcha powder for additional nutrients.

Get the full recipe here, relax and enjoy!


  1. Your blog is making me want to dig out my blender and start using it more. I too love blueberries and can't wait to try this recipe.

  2. Kendra, I am loving all your smoothie recipes. I am a big juicer and sometimes forget about my old blender. Chia seeds are my favourite. I eat them after work outs and I love adding them to my juices. I will have to try them in a smoothie. Thanks for the great recipes. Can't wait to get more inspiration from your blog.

  3. Like Wendy, I want to pull my blender out of storage and start using it again. Can you make a huge vat of the cool berry smoothie and bring it to school?

  4. With less than three weeks of school left, it is a no brainier that I will be fixing up this "stress reducing cool berry" smoothie. I really enjoy how you not only mention what fruits and berries you use within your recipes but you provide your reader with the benefits of the specific ingredients that you have chosen. Great work I hope you also have a SMOOTH-ie day ;)
